Internship Training Program
STREBEN Engineering Solutions, offers a rich pool of courses and trainings preparing the students to begin their professional career in CAE Domain. Being the best FEA training institutes in Bangalore, we provide our students with a well-structured and well-designed course curriculum offering hands-on training to them that eventually help them attain the skill set necessary to understand their roles and responsibilities within the industry in their domain.
It is an excellent opportunity for the students to involve in many practical activities and to acquire vast practical knowledge in the core industry domains. These Internship training program have direct impact on the job market as there is a great demand for Design/Manufacturing/ CAD / CAE Engineers in Mechanical, Automobile, Aviation, Aerospace and Production industries.
Who Can Join
Diploma/B.E/B.Tech/M.Tech (Mech/Aero/Auto/Prod)
​Course Highlights​
Pre Processing-Geometry Clean-up / Mid-surface Extraction
1D, Connectors, Weld & Bolt Connection.
(2D /Tetra/3D) Meshing, Plastic/BIW/Casting Mould parts Meshing
2D & 3D Elements Quality checking
Introduction to Analysis
Defining Materials & properties, Bcs, Loads, Displacement etc.
Analysis setup for Linear Static, Modal, Linear & Buckling analysis
Post Processing, Result Interpretation, Report Generation.